Monday, June 22, 2015

Exercise Information LOL Things you should know I think.

Well, not sure how many will get to see this one.  But there are a few things that I wanted to share with everyone, first is something I saw on TV and the rest of it is things that I have figured out go along with it.

The thing that I heard on TV was from the show My 600lb Life.  About people who are 600+ pounds and want to go through with surgery or other means of losing weight to get healthy.  Which is always a good thing right?  Well one thing that the doctors do that I agree with, to show that they are determined to really lose the weight and make the lifestyle changes that are needed to keep the weight off, they have to go on a strict diet and lose a set amount of weight on their own.  One woman who could hardly stand up let along exercise alot asked her doctor what she could do in place of it.  And her doctor told her that anything you do that moves around and makes you sweat and gets your heart rate going will help.  ANYTHING.

Well I started to think about it and put two and two together.  I have lost 20 pounds in 3 months, still working to get down a little lower than that.  Like I want to lose like another 50 pounds (crosses fingers that i can do it) but when I thought about what I have done the last three months, it really isn't that much.  Buty when I started looking and watching and stopping to check as I did things it was really funny just how much exercise you get in a day!

According to all the research that I have looked up, a healthy heart rate for people is between 60-100 beats.  But for this example, I will stick with the 100 beats as I go through my senarios.

1. First thing to make sure that you are getting your heart rate up and down the right way and not going over board TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR TO FIND OUT WHAT YOUR AT REAST HEART RATE IS AND HWAT THE MAX HEART RATE IS FOR YOU TO HAVE THAT IS SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot stress how important that is that before you do anything to make sure you do it safely.  I CANNOT tell you what is safe for you since I am not a doctor, and I wouldn't even try to do that.  So please go and talk to your doctor before you go out and doing this.  THIS is what I noticed ABOUT ME.

Start with a base at rest heart rate of an even 100 beats a moment for me.  MIne is actually around like 93, but I am rounding up.  Max heart rate fo rme that is healthy is no more than 170.  Well that means that even 101 is above a normal rate.

Well for me that was awesome cause I keep a 115-125 heart rate when I am out working in the yard weeding flower beds, watering and tending to our vegies.  I do that like 3 times a week.  That would be moderate I guess.

But when you really think about it, clean your house.  Don't do the dishes, then sit down, then vacum then sid down, then sweep then sit down.  Start with one thing and don't stop until it is done.  Sit down and just take a deep breath.  Your heart is beating faster than when you are at rest.  Poof that is exercise.  That has to be the reason why I have lost the weight in the last three months that I have.  Now I just need to find a cardio that I can do and enjoy doing for the winter so that the progress that I am making over the summer doesn't go down the drain lol.

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