Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Anime and kids reactions to it

I tell you what.  I love anime.  Never going to change that one.  I am not quite an Otaku yet, but I am working on getting to that point, and will one day, trust me lol.  But it is always awesome, as I said in my post about growing up, when I find an anime that I like and I can let my ten year old watch.  Fairy Tail is one of those anime.  And he has watched the second episode like 500 times now lol. With him having Autism he gets stuck on certain things and is sometimes very hard to get him unstuck lol. 

But he loves it and I let him watch it. And before anyone says anything about the fighting in it I don't care. There isn't much more and no worse fighting in it then there is in Dragon Ball or Pokémon and Yu Gi Oh for that matter. Lol I will be recording his reaction to it in the next couple of days. 

On the subject of anime any got any good romance ones out there?

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