Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Magz2015 Crochet 101: The Treble Crochet sitch and the Double Treble Crochet stitch

This video feature shows you how to do the Treble or Triple Crochet stitch and the Double Treble or Triple Croshet stitch.


Magz2015 Crochet 101: The Half Double Crochet and The Double Crochet

Welcome :D  This post features a tutorial that I do on how to do the Half Double Crochet stitch and the Double crochet stitch.

ALL stitch blogs will only feature the video.  The Pattern Videos will feature the video and for those that prefer reading the patterns, the pattern with pictures will be featured bellow the video :D


Magz2015 Crochet 101: The slip Knot; Chain Stitch; Single Croshet Stitch

Welcome everyone :D  This is my first Crochet blog tehehehehehe

In this blog I feature a video tutorial on how to get started for beginners in the world of crochet.  I hope you enjoy and that for those just starting out in the crochet world this helps you on your journey into a world of imagination.

Enjoy :D  If you have anyquestions about something, just ask me and I will try my hardest to help you with the answer.

ALSO I am going to start a new series today.......

Magz2015 Let's Crochet: (insert what I am doing for that video)

I already have the first four episodes planned out.  Where we crochet a hat (beanie), coaster, granny square and my own personal pattern for a baby bootie.  Lots more to come :D

For that one, if anyone knows of any FREE one hundred percent FREE patterns that they like and would like to see done to help them leave me the link to the pattern in a comment here or on youtube and I will go to it and see if I can do something like that :D

Friday, July 17, 2015

What's coming

Okay while some do exist on my page, some are going to get new names while some are just going to continue from where I left off.  I am doing LOTS of stuff with my youtube, it is not going to just be a gaming channel.  I love gaming, I really do and with my HD PVR I can share the games I like to play with the world.  But I also like art, and learning new things, online games, cooking, gardening, drawing and writing.  So I am going to share a little more of that with the world too through the wonderous site youtube.  And here on my blog of course.

Here are a list of the different series that you can see, or will be able to see on my channel.

1. Magz2015 Crochet 101: This is a series of episodes that will be udated from time to time where I show you how to different things in the world of crochet.

2. Magz2015 Knitt 101: This is a series I have yet to get up but will be starting soon where as I update from time to time, I will show you different things in the worlf of knitting.

3. Magz2015 Lets Draw: This is where I draw different things and will 99% of the time be post in a timelapse form.

4. Magz2015 GIMP 101: This is where I will show you different things as a video tutorial on how I do things in digital art program GIMP

5. Magz2015 Paint Tool SAI 101: Just like with the GIMP one, this is one where I will be showing you how to do things in the digital art program, Pant Tool SAI

(side not about GIMP and SAI is that if you can get used to using two of them and put the time in to learn them, they are both free programs and you won't have to pay hundreds and thousands on photoshop, seeing as what you can do in that you can do in these too :D )

6. WO3U: Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate gameplay videos, non commentary

7. WO1: Warriors Orochi gameplay videos, non commentary

8. WO2: Warriors Orochi 2 gameplay videos, non commentary

9. SW4: Samurai Warriors 4 gameplay videos, non commentary

10. DW6E: Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires gameplay videos, non commentary

11. DW7: Dynasty Warriors 7 gameplay videos, non commentary

12. DW7E: Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires gameplay videos, non commentary

13. DW7XL: Dynasty Warriors 7 Xtreme Legends gameplay videos, non commentary

14. DW8: Dynasty Warriors 8 gameplay videos, non commentary

15. DW8XL: Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends gameplay videos, non commentary

16. DW8E: Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires gameplay videos, non commentary

17. NSUNSR: Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution gameplay videos, non commentary

18. NSUNSG: Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations gameplay videos, non commentary

19. NSUNS 1: Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 1 gameplay videos, non commentary

20. NSUNS 2: Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 gameplay videos, non commentary

21. NSUNS 3: Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 gameplay videos, non commentary

22.Thief: Thief gameplay videos, non commentary

23. MESOM: Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor gameplay videos, non commentary

24. DBZB3: Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 gameplay videos, non commentary

25. HTTYD: How to Train Your Dragon gameplay videos, non commentary

26. SBSK: Sengoku Basara Samurai Kings gameplay videos, non commentary

Those are what I am going to be working on right now.  Along with some fanfictions and doing a re-edit on some ebooks that I am going to publish that are all my own :D

Hope there is something here for everyone :D

Learning Japanese

Let met tell you one thing.  Learning Japanese, and on your own is HARD AS CRAP believe you me.  But I am getting there very slowly.  I am starting to remember all the different hiragana characters.  Next is writing them.  Once I get them down, then at least, well hopefully I will be able to tackle the job of sentence structure.  Being from the united states, the sentence structure of Japan is really out of wack and is going to take me some time to figure out.  But I will do it.  :D

On other news, I will be doing some videos on how I am doing with writing in Japanese Hiragana.  As well as getting some more fanfiction videos.  Some more Evil Salvation coming to youtube :D

As well as getting some more of my Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate gameplay up, later I am going to work on doing some Naruto ones.  Probably starting with Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution gameplay.  I can get some long videos or lots of short ones out of that.  May do some Generations too.  I need to buy the Ultimate Ninja Storm 1-3 again, I can't seem to find them lol.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Really!!!! All this crap over a damned flag!

Really people?  I mean like really?  I wasn't going to put my two cents out there in the world.  I wasn't going to get in the middle of it.  I really wasn't but it has just sunk to a new low and I can't help but just put my little rant on here.

FIRST OF ALL Just casue it is a confederate flag doesn't mean that whomever likes them, owns them or has owned them in the past or wants to get one is a racist.  No way shape or form.  Someone I used to work with when I was younger.  He had one tattooed on his back.  The woman he married and fathered 3 children with, that he treats like a queen, she is half black and half mexican.

GET THE HELL OFF OF IT!  It is a flag.  Just cause some nutcase freak that did something reprehensable doens't mean that everyone is going to be like him if they have one.  I mean really they even took Duke's of Hazzard off of TV because the General Lee has a confederate flag on the roof.  I mean like really!  Of all the crap that is on television, they chose that to take off because of the flag ontop of the car!  Really!  Serious lack of judgement there!  So badly.

The man that is responsible for the shooting in the church, yes he should be arrested.  Yes he should be held liable to the highest exstent of the law without question.  For what he did there is no excuse.  He is just a sick, twisted freak wierdo who did something stupid because he has a warpped personality.  He didn't do it becuase of a flag.  He didn't do it because of what the flat is supposed to represent.  He did it because he is evil pure and pure.

I mean really when are we going to stop blaming everything and everyone else for what goes wrong instead of just the one that did it?  He went in and did what he did at the church.  He was the one who chose to do that.  He was the one who acted out that choice to do something horrible.  The flag didn't hold a gun to his head and make him do it.  The flag didn't threaten to kill everyone he loved if he didn't do this monstrous thing.  So why now is everyone hating on the confederate flag like it has the power to do something like that instead the asshole that did it?  I mean COME ON PEOPLE WAKE THE HELL UP!

I understand that racism exists.  It will until the day that this Earth is destroyed and there is nothing no one can say or do about it to make it stop.  There really isn't.  But everyone is all up in arms because of the confederate flag.  Sign of the south.  The Civil War.  HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  When that war was done, and the South lost and the slaves were released, the meaning that flag had was gone.  Bye bye.  See ya later.  Was nothing more than a pretty flag then.  Had no more meaning like everyone is saying it does now and hasn't had for a damn long ass time.

Ending of rant, everyone needs to step back.  Take a deep breath.  Put on their big boy/girl panties/underwear and grow the mother fuck up and act the same way that they want everyone to treat them.  I mean damn it isn't that hard.